So the results are in.. and even we were shocked here in When we asked people what their ideal working scenario was overwhelmingly the answer was anything other then a permanent, full time job, office based.

Given 8 different working options, a permanent full time job, office based came in as the preferred working option at 5%.

5% .. the only other option to score lower? That would be job share at 0%. Am more then a little surprised.. why does everyone hate job sharing so much?

For most people (30%) their ideal working scenario was a permanent, full time job with flexibility. This was swiftly followed by a permanent, part-time job at 26%.

The importance of flexibility was reflected in the real life career decisions people were making. 71% had taken less pay in order to gain greater flexibility. When asked if they regretted that decision only 4% said yes. Overwhelmingly 96% of respondents stated that they were happy with the decision to take less pay in exchange for greater flexibility. Wow. Even in these cash strapped times it seems incredible that people are very happy to have less take home pay but more autonomy in the hours they work and control over their personal lives.

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